I’m Moving!

Due to issues outside of my control, this site and all the content on it aren’t available, so I’m heading over to a new hosting service, and a new domain name. Yay!

I’m sure you came here looking for something in particular. I’m sorry I don’t have everything ready at the new location, as this was all very sudden, but I am working on it! I will try to slap together links to the major pages that were used the most. I’m trying to recreate them as fast as I can. Please have some patience with me while I recreate everything from scratch and not sleep for a few days.

Here’s a little FAQ while you wait!

What happened?

I don’t wanna talk about it… but the sort and skinny is that someone broke something and it wasn’t me.

Where are the Villager Paths?

Okay, so it’s not pretty to look at, but you can find them here

Is your mod list for Expanded gone?

For now, yes. I am going to have to recreate it from a snapshot I have from May, and figure out the rest of them.

How about the reference sheets?

Those will be up soon, I stayed up until 6am troubleshooting and getting this little bit up and recovered. Most of my sheets can be found in my posts on Reddit, or in the Coop O’ Cozy discord server, linked below.

Will you have new things on the new site?

I know I haven’t been that active on the various social platforms you can normally find me, but I haven’t been idle. I have SOOOOO many projects in the works, and not what you’d expect. I’m looking forward to sharing.

What’s your favorite color?

Right now, cranberry.

Need to reach me?

You can reach me at my new e-mail address: summon@wcdky.com

The Store is still OPEN!

You can still get your coffee coffee mugs, or therapy shirts at the usual spot. More great items coming soon!